Protect Joints Bone Density Muscle Mass
Strength training involves strengthening and toning your muscles by contracting them against resistance. This can be done by body weight, free weights, weight machines and bands. The benefits of strength training are endless and include increased flexibility, mobility and balance, improved posture, greater stamina and decreased risk of injury.
30 Minutes
WEIGHTS/RESISTANCE is a body toning and strength workout targeting the whole body, using a variety of weights and resistance equipment including dumbbells, exercise sliders, resistance bands, kettlebells and ankle weights. Your weights are easily adjustable so that you can create your own workout level.
30 Minutes
RAISE THE BAR A barbell based workout designed to build strength, endurance and improve fitness. By lifting and focusing on different major muscle groups, we can ensure a full body workout. Challenging routines will help make you stronger, improve your stamina and take your workout to the next level.
30 Minutes
LADIES WHO LIFT A class for ladies who want to learn how to weight train correctly and boost their confidence in the gym. If you are a complete beginner, a confident lifter just looking for further guidance, or just looking to try a new class, this session will benefit you all. Learn new ideas, create good habits and see great results!
30 Minutes
LIFTING FOR ALL Not sure what the difference is between a compound and an isolation movement? Want to learn the ideal Squat technique? Not sure where to even start with a Deadlift? Then this is the class for you. Learn and perfect your technique and watch the results follow through step by step progressions.